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 [15.02.10] Chaoszwerge/Informationen von Warseer

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 262
Anmeldedatum : 08.08.08

[15.02.10] Chaoszwerge/Informationen von Warseer Empty
BeitragThema: [15.02.10] Chaoszwerge/Informationen von Warseer   [15.02.10] Chaoszwerge/Informationen von Warseer Icon_minitimeSo Feb 14, 2010 10:50 pm

Und, jetzt kann man auch mal ein paar allgemeine Informationen hier posten. Diese kann jeder einlesen auf Warseer. Und sind somit "allgemein" bekannt. [URL=""]Link[/URL]

Zitat :
I think steppingonyou is sometimes hearing things at a very early stage of development when all kinds of ideas are thrown around and not all of them make the final cut. More than once he has posted something I have also heard that has not actually happened at the end of the day.

Zitat :
if you have hung on to your CD and waited patiently for a day that you would get the full treatment. then your wait will be over soon.

the problem is, dude.... theres a lot of stuff coming before they will. its not fair to talk about stuff thats in concept form.
Mmmm ... I think you may have said too much already. [15.02.10] Chaoszwerge/Informationen von Warseer Biggrin
Will you allow them no secrets?

Zitat :
and as much as id like to give pics to the rumors forums. ive talked to my laeyer about my liabilitys. i cant publish pics or share any i have because i will hurt GW or be sued.
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[15.02.10] Chaoszwerge/Informationen von Warseer
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