Thema: Übersetzung Erlaubnis: Di Sep 08, 2009 2:57 am
Meine Anfrage:
Zitat :
Dear Mr Mattbird,
Thank you for the new Chaos Dwarf rules.
I am writing to enquire about whether we (the biggest German Chaos-Dwarf homepage) get to translate the Chaos Dwarf army book.
I discovered your fantastic army book and followed its development on the internet. But it is difficult for the majority of German player to understand the rules and stories in English. Hence I want to ask permission to translate your army book into German.
Enclosures: Chaos Dwarf Homepage Chaos Dwarf Forum Chaos-Dwarf army book venture
I look forward to hearing from you soon. (Please contact me if you have any questions)
Best regards, name entfernt
Mattbirds antwort (gekürzt):
Zitat :
Hi- yes, that would be cool with me. [...]
Restliche Nachricht ist Organisatorischer Kram und wird daher erst einmal nicht erwähnt. (Genauso wie die anderen PNs.)
Zuletzt von glorin am Di Apr 05, 2011 10:03 am bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet (Grund : Name entfernt)